How to apply to Med School series

Hi students! Welcome to our “How to apply to medical school series”. Since you are on our website, we are assuming that you want to apply to medical schools primarily based in the UK or Hong Kong. If you, like us 4 years ago, were looking online at the steps to apply to medical school, you might realise that there are contradicting and scattered pieces of information everywhere! That’s why we decided to compile a comprehensive series guiding you through every single step of your medical school application. Below we will give a brief overview of the important topics that we will cover.

Our first articles of this series are going to focus on picking the right medical schools and knowing what to prepare for. These will involve a lot of research on individual medical schools as well as their respective application requirements. Through our articles, we will tell you what are the most important things to look for, where to find them, as well as when you need to prepare for each of the steps below. We hope you find them helpful!

Admissions test

UCAT and BMAT are the main admissions test in the UK. UCAT is the admissions test that is used by most medical schools in the UK and practically all applicants will need to take the UCAT. In [this article], we will take a deep dive into what the UCAT really is, what is it actually testing for, and some practice methods that can be applied to all sections, or even the BMAT! BMAT is the test that is used only by a few medical schools, including Oxford, Cambridge, Imperial, UCL etc. Again, we will take a deep dive into a [separate article] to share our insights generally and specific for each section!

Personal Statement

The personal statement is another important component of your application, along with your admissions tests and predicted grades. Through our experience of writing our own personal statements as well as helping students with theirs, we have seen the common mistakes students fall into (including ourselves!) as well as some great ways to enhance your personal statement. This [deep dive article] explains the mistakes, how to avoid them, and what can boost your personal statement from good to great!

Extra-curricular and work experience

A very important area in your personal statement AND your interview is your extracurricular as well as relevant work experience. However, we understand that not everyone has the opportunity to obtain working experience in a healthcare setting. Don’t worry! You will learn about why medical schools put a lot of their emphasis on this area and therefore how you can utilise what you have to still show them that you are the right candidate!

Interview Preparation

A levels

Lastly, along with this hectic application, you guys will also need to prepare for your public exams! Whether that is A levels or IB, our team will share our strategies in these [articles]. You can apply and modify them as you like to maintain your academia while preparing for your admissions tests, personal statement, and interviews! Good luck!