

Hi, I am Anthony from Hong Kong.

I am currently a student in Shrewsbury School and a medicine offer holder for King's College London.

I love interacting with people of all ages and am a mentor at my school. I like to keep myself busy, from keeping fit with basketball to playing the piano as a form of relaxation as well as dabbling with techy stuff like Notion and Roam!

My biggest tip to any medical applicants is to do a lot of research into medical schools you are interested in (and I mean A LOT). It is important to see if their selection process really matches your strengths as one tiny weakness in your application can already determine your success.

Lucky for you, we have curated a “University Bank” that will be sure to make your application process a lot smoother --- so sign up now ;)

Some exceptional things that Anthony has achieved


  • Top 11%

  • Total UCAT score of 2790


  • Achieved excellent scores for BMAT

  • Obtaining

    • 6.8 in section 1(top 4.2%)

    • 5.3 in section 2 (top 17.0%)


Received medicine offers from top universities including KCL and Birmingham

A Level

  • 3A* (in Biology (D1 in Pre-U, equivalent to A* or higher in A level), Chemistry, Mathematics)

Anthony is now studying in KCL